
Sunday 7 April 2013

Campus life

No one can stop, what has begun,
You must believe when I say
~Owl City ft. Yuna~

Final just around the corner. This week is study week for us. Macam tak percaya I'll end my foundation's life about 2 weeks to go. Cepatnya masa berlalu. Macam baru semalam je Maa call yang dia dah settlekan registration for my foundation. Macam baru semalam je through our hectic 'Taaruf Week'.
Petanda kiamat. ALLAH..

This week jugak, we have to choose which course we're going to futher our first degree. *exciting!*
But, the problem is, tak tau nak pilih apa. Tapi yang pasti dah tak nak jumpa chemistry. Chemistry torture my jiwa and raga. So, let wait and see the result. Apa yang saya dapat nnti. huhu


Oh ya! Last Friday, kami buat sesi bergambar. Sempena last day class. I stamp it here. :)

Rombongan Cik kiah. :)




Manis. :P

Huda. Yeah!

Fazlina. But People keep
call her Norly.

She love capture damn much! -Belle-

Rasa nek terjun je dalam air
kat blakang tu.. 

Aina dan keayuannya :)

Four of us. White-Black.


Kau pergi..

Eh, tiba-tiba sesat! Last class- biology

Saya suka hijau. Ouch!

Next, dapat pulak ilham g bowling. Who said pakai jubah n baju kurung can't bowling? Kami telah membuktikannya. :P

Our first bowling. 

While waiting our turn..

Sempat lagi tu..

Masuk longkang nmpaknya.
La tahzan! haha

Left;Our import photographer, Maisam
Right: Aqilah

Huda the Champion!!

Aina's and mine.

Here they are.

So, to my beloved compatriot, swinging sword of pens and sheath of mechanical pencils, slashing onto thousands of note, I personally wish you best of luck. Thank you.. for everything you had done for me. *Oke sedih!*

Ada Jodoh kita jumpa lagi. :)


wanie paed~ said...

ohokssss,,sedih plusplus..agak lepas ni dpt tak lg kawan setutor macam same bila nak quiz,,ditimbuni soalan setiap tutorial..sobsssssss

Miss Law said...

Chill. Insyaallah ada jodoh kita hangout lagi. :)